

I recently posted a message about a web site,
I'm reposting some of the info again, in case anyone lives in the cities
below and might be able to or wish to attend a luncheon and tv show taping,
via live satellite feed.  Maureen Salaman, a certified nutritionist, etc.,
will be taping a show, partly to promote her line of supplements, but also
to take audience questions regarding their health issues.  I'm going this
Friday here, because on her last shw that I saw, she specifically addressed
and refuted the common belief that PD, AD, ALS, MS and other neurological
diseases are in many respects untreatable and/or incurable.  I'm going to
get more info, and hopefully get to ask a question or two (not to mention,
also obtaining any other tools there may be in my quest for mind/body and
natural healing).  I have no idea when the show will actually be later
aired, but I know it will be aired by tv stations which are associated with
the LeSea christian broadcasting network (it's the same one that airs the
Hour of Healing show which I've been watching and which I've also mentioned
here)  You can be sure that if I find out any revelations, you'll be amongst
the first to know.

Wendy Tebay

                                                 Maureen will hold a special
health                                                 workshop in South Bend, IN
at the                                                 WHME TV46 studios from noon
to 2pm                                                 central time on Friday,
October 23rd.  To                                                 make a reservation, call
219-291-8200.                                                 We are pleased to announce
that this                                                 special event will also be
available through                                                 closed circuit television at
special                                                 luncheons in the following
cities:Hawaii, KWHE TV14, (808)) 538-1414, 7-9am
New Orleans, WHNO TV20, (504) 822-1920, noon-2pm
Indianapolis, WHMB TV40, (217) 733-5050, noon-2pm
Tulsa, KWHB TV47, (918) 254-4701, noon-2pm
Denver, KWHD TV53, (303)799-8853, 11am-1pm