

Until I saw this question, it never occurred to me that what  happened to me
this week could have been because of getting off the Tasmar.  I realize that
I have been lightheaded and less able to balance since stopping the Tasmar.

The reason the Neuro  stopped it was he said he was concerned about Liver
damage, so I readily agreed with him. That was last Saturday.

Well on Wednesday this week, one of our Border Collies was leaning against
my legs, it caused me to lose my balance, which usually doesn't happen, but
I started to fall, when I did I shuffled my feet trying to retain my
balance, and then yelled as I fell against the storm door and sat hard on
the cement step, but that wasn't how the damage was done.

You don't shuffle you feet or yell around a male Border Collie, at least not
ours.  The rascal bit me and I mean hard on the inside of my left thigh.
Needless to say we went to the ER and they gave me a tetanus shot and a
prescription for some powerful antibiotics and told me to keep it clean and
watch for red streaks, etc.  The dog is under house (his not mine) for 10
days, then we decide what to do with him.

My biggest problem has come from the bruising from the bite which has made
my knee stiff and makes it painful to walk and to get up and down.
There was only one cut place, where one fang went  into my leg.  It has
continued to ooze some, but is better today. I keep it covered most of the
time, but do air it some during the day as per instructions.

I just think this would not have happened if I had not been so un-balanced
(I mean physically, not ,mentally, Okay?  That was for all you literalists
out there) (Just joking of course.)

I am taking another Mirapex in place of the one  Tasmar I had been taking
and I don't believe it caused the undue light-headedness.   My meds are as
follows, 3 Sinemet 25/250 and 3 Mirapex l.5 daily.

Hope I didn't bother anyone's sensibilities with my description of the dog

Oh, Yes , thanks to someone about the level of Vitamin E to take.  I would
have been overdosing on that...if I ever remembered to take it daily.

Ellen Guidry, 61/2