

Hi Guys!

        I've been on the list for only a wek and already my personal filling cabinet
is full.  What a resource and what a group of truly wonderful people.  But
then we PWPs are truly wonderful people.  I tell Pamala, my bride that
everyday. ( I certainly don't want her to forget )
        This message is for all you support group leaders.  If you need a speaker for
your meetings I would like you to consider my wife and I.  We have presented
the patient's perspective at eight regional meetings of support groups
convened by the UPF as the result of a grant.
        God has given both Pamala and I the ability to communicate effectively and we
love to use that gift.  I use as the basis of my talk, seven words that I have
used to fight PD over the last twenty years (diagnosed at 30).  These words,
attitude, knowledge, determination, fear, depression, humor and love form the
foundation of how I have dealt with the PD.  Pamala speaks to the PWP on
behalf of the care partners saying things they have always wanted to say but
were afraid of hurting their PWP and I conclude with a message for the care
partners from the PWP.
        We use a lot of humor and generally evoke a lot of tears as well.  Plus
selfishly Pam and enjoy meeting all the wonderful people.
        We do this for a number of reasons.  Certainly not to get rich (we only need
travel expenses unless you have a really wealthy support group  in which case,
a substantial donation to the Kelly kids college fund will be  gratefully
accepted)  Our principal reason is that if we can help even one PWP or care
partner then we have fulfilled a commitment that we made to God for his
goodness in giving me two very successful pallidotomies.  If you need a
reference call  Jeanne Lee at the UPF in Chicago.
        If you are interested either e-mail me or call at 309-682--6359  Thanks