

Dear Janet et al,

I just saw Janet's response in the digest concerning a "natural dopamine"
product.  I thought I would throw in my 2 cents worth.  My response is
driven by my mother having jumped on this idea when it was brought up almost
a year ago.  If this is a different "natural dopamine" then please

Mom (12/62), like many of you that have PD, is proactive in her quest to try
and increase her quality of life.  She also enjoys the thought of natural
processes rather than chemical ones and has derived many helpful insights by
being a part of this Listserve community.  She read on this list that there
was a "natural dopamine" product available in Europe (England?).  She called
the "doctor" to find out more about the product.  She was told that it was a
synthesis of plants and vegetable matter that is naturally high in dopamine,
concentrated down to a concentrate.

Still wary at the pitch, AND THE PRICE, she asked if there was someone local
to her that may have ordered this product and that she could talk to.  She
was told no.  She ordered, actually was sold 2 separate concoctions,
extremely expensive, and it was shipped.  There was little direction to
amount to be taken.  I believe the instructions were by the "tablespoon".
It was pungent, and reminded me of the green residue found on the lawn mower
blade.  I was called by her husband 2 days later to jump on the next flight
down to help carry Mom from room to room.

Everyone on this List knows that it is important to be proactive in their
approach to PD.  Know the latest,  supply the neuros with as much info as
possible,  stay on top of the latest developments.  Mom used herself as a
guinea pig in the hope this may alleviate some of symptoms and side effects.
Sinemet requires such a tight titration and attention to timing to gain its
best possible effects, its easy to see how difficult it would be to try and
regulate "a heaped tablespoon" of this "natural dopamine".  My guess is,
like fava beans , there probably is a minute trace of dopamine in this
stuff.  My guess is,  if you condensed it down to a regulated, super high
concentration, and made it in easy to digest and swallow pills, you might
just have something  close to Sinemet. Keep to Sinemet.

All in my humble opinion.


Bill Bell
Executive Director
Northwest Parkinson's Foundation