

It's so good to hear that people who are able to get out and do the speaking
are finally doing it.  Brig and I have done Pennsylvania, on the same basis,
actually almost free.
Someone asked me to run for office, but that's too much, however, we are
available to speak in Pa., NJ, Del, and NY.  In fact, Dale, Terri W. and I
were going to get together, but things just seem to get away.  This is the way
to go, churches, support groups, senior citizens centers, assisted living, any
one who will listen to you.  We found, with the letters to Spector, some
churches were our best source of help, Catholic ones too, once I explained the
fetal tissue issue,(we're Catholic).  Please, if you are able to do something,
anything, do it, and do it now.  My opinion, I think we are in the best shape
right now, and we can't let down or they will just ignore us again.  I know" a
watched pot never boiled", but this time the only way it will boil is if we
watch it.
Gerry and Brig