

Jfinch - I don't know what makes you so angry at this list and why you call us
negative.  Because we don't always agree with you or each other?   We are
PWP's or care-givers but not ignorant of the world around us.  There seem to
be just so many $$$ for medical research. We had a friend who was very
prominent here in San Diego who died with Aids from a transfusion he received
while in the hospital for a by-pass.  We also had a friend who died the same
way but because of his own actions and carelessness..  Both were of equal
value to us.  But the truth remains that an UNDUE amount is going to Aid
research AT THE EXPENSE of other research.  There are people, even children,
who are victims through no fault of their own from many different things.
Our hearts bleed for them - yes, no matter what race or creed.

The love and caring we have for others comes back to us.  Lets learn to show
love to each other.   Must of us do.         helenjc