


Hmmm...  (thinking)... I wonder how many of us went to our first PD
support group and saw only the fellow in the wheelchair, the gal with
a walker,  a few folks shuffling 'round the room, plus the whispery
voiced conversation and never saw the strength, courage, caring, and
humor there?

I wonder how many were scared off for years by that initial visit to
a PD support group... ?

It took ME 6 years post diagnosis to go tp my first PD support group,
and it took ANOTHER 4 years till I went back again because of the
shock of what I saw there.

I never felt so alone and scared sick in my entire life as I did in
that room with that man repeatedly tumbling out of his wheelchair
with a bone-crunching SMACK as he hit the floor.

On the other hand, I met Mary Yost at that meeting and SHE has
inspired me and added to my life immesurably by her presence in it.

I'd like to see all newly diagnosed PWPs be contacted by another
Parkie who will act as a contact person ...a tactful one... with
answers to the myriads of questions the newby Parkie may have, and
suggestions and hints on how best to adapt to the disease and to ease
newly diagnosed into a support group sooner, rather than later.  Kind
of a "PD mentor"....similar to those who mentor in the assorted
12-Step programs and certain cancer groups.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

I suspect my experience was an extreme because of that one man, but
it haunted me the whole time that I spent working up to going to the
group again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerry & Brig Haines <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, October 30, 1998 6:31 AM
Subject: Re: <No subject given> Newly dx'd PD

>We are not far away in ABE, and there is a support group for your
mother here.
>I'm the one who wrote about the husband who would not admit to this
>for 7 years.  I'm recommending the support group for your mother
because if
>experience serves me, Brig and I went once in that 7 years, and he
would not
>go back because he didn't want to see how he might become.  E-mail
me and I
>will give you all the information etc., etc., that's only so we
don't tie up
>this network, or call me on the phone.
>I've been there and have that tee shirt.
>Gerry Haines