

 Hello to the List from a gay man with PD,

Below, I respond to Bruce Anderson, who asks someone to refute his
arguments. I will offer a few thoughts below, a role that we gay men are
often provide, as educators for everyone concerned about AIDS..

  Let me just say that if Parkinson's turns out to be viral,  just as it
now appears multiple sclerosis is (a herpes virus-related  illness), then
the crossover of ideas among researchers struggling to contain and
eliminate the spread of the HIV virus that causes AIDS may have a huge
impact on curing Parkinson's, one day.

Now for a few facts:

   AIDS poses a mortal threat to our children, especially to
sexually-active teens.

    AIDS poses a mortal threat to women and men who do not know the
sexual history of their partners.

    AIDS poses a mortal threat to  older adults, who may reason that if
they are only going to live for 10 or 15 years more, why bother taking
measures to protect their sexual partners from their blood and body
or to protect themselves, if the end of their lives is nearing anyway.

     Homophobia and anti-gay killings are rampant, in part because gay
men are falsely blamed for AIDS. Despite this atmosphere of hate, the gay
community still provides the vital knowledge and help we compassionately
offer to anyone who needs help.

     AIDS is spread both by people with insufficient information, and by
people who are uncaring or self-destructive, as well as by accidents
(needle punctures of hospital personnel) when drawing blood.

     The lethal threat of AIDS poses a worldwide challenge.  In Dennis
Greene's post, he correctly comments on the rampant worldwide spread of
the HIV virus, to which the United States is not immune.

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12/9.5         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses     48  deg. F

On Thu, 29 Oct 1998 14:19:13 -0500 Bruce Anderson
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Would someone please attempt a well-organized, logically written
>my argument