

JULIE B wrote:
> Marty Rose wrote:
> > I  have developed in the past month or so the worst stiff neck I have
> > ever had.  It has come on gradually,  but is definitely something I
> > cannot deal with much longer.  I get shooting pains up the back of my
> > head  when I turn my head a certain way and trying to lie down in bed
> > is very pauinful.
> Marty:  I have a very stiff, tense and sore neck each morning when I get
> up, but it only lasts until my meds take effect.

If it responds to levodopa, it's probably just another form of PD
"end-of-dose" dystonia. If not, my Merck Manual has disappointingly
little to say about it, just recommends heat and rest. Cheers,
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013