


If any of you have tried
>it, (acupuncture) please let me know. I do not have PD, but I do have a
very nice, but
>stubborn , husband who does.  bye Nita

Some years ago I tried acupuncture to relieve the tension and pain I was
experiencing in my shoulders and neck.  For the first two weeks I
experienced a noticeable and very welcome reduction in both the pain and
stiffness.   This relief lasted for some hours after each procedure.   I am
sorry to report that the effect started to wane after the second week and
eventually I reached a point where I was getting no relief at all.  Being of
a slightly stubborn disposition myself, I persisted with the treatment for
some time (all up 3-4 months) before, regretfully, adding it to the long
list of things that were "worth a try" but didn't work out as well as hoped.
Incidentally, the acupuncturist was a medical doctor of Chinese origin.  He
had qualified as a doctor here in Australia and as an acupuncturist in

Some 8 years later I still have the stiffness and pain in my neck and
shoulders, though I do experience some relief by utilising stretching
exercises learnt and practised at a weekly, PD orientated, exercise group I
have attended for the last 18 months.


Dennis Greene 48/onset 32 /dx 37

"It is better to be a crystal and be broken,
Than to be a perfect tile upon the housetop."

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