

I would like to jump in here to tell anyone who is going to vote tomorrow, to
vote for candidates who will make sure you can get the best health care.  Not
meaning the cheapest health care, necessarily.  If HMO's are going to be a
fact of life, they should be required to provide proper treatment as
determined by medical professionals, without having to jump through hoops or
wait months for treatment.  Also, remember that the doctors in the HMO at the
time you join, may not remain forever.  You may have to change to another
doctor during treatment.  HMO's are giving campaign money to candidates to
influence them, which bothers me, but is apparently legal.  I have to question
why a politician should be able to be bribed by a large business, in this way.
Also, many HMOs are not calling themselves
HMO's.  Is this a form of subterfuge?  I think it is.  Just remember the last
time you had to wait for a doctor's appointment for weeks, when you thought it
was an emergency, but someone making the appointment did not see it that way.
Happy voting! [log in to unmask]