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Dear all,
I`m still alive :-)) and doing well, I`m lucky because my disease increase
very slow and also to know that it`s possible to get help from this surgery
WHEN my right foot is going to make too much "trouble" -. I`m still able to
walk but my neuro once told me, that it`s possible to help me with EBS.
Sugery no. 1 and 2 takes place at Aarhus University Hospital (Denmark) and
until now no. 1 have been helping about 24 pwp, and from august this year
and until now 5 pwp have got surgery no. 3- all succesfull. Next week two of
my best female-friends are going to have surgery no. 3.
Our politicain for health care in the count of Aarhus promised in the
TV-news to give more money to this surgery, because until now ONE surgeon
(Dr. Sunde Aarhus University Hospital) make this operation.
We are about 6000 to 7000 pwp in Denmark and about 500 of those can have
benefit from EBS, and I can tell you all that it`s a MIRACLE to meet the
same person before and AFTER the surgery. We all in our "younger" group in
Aarhus was almost crying when Lars - 39 years old - was able to leave his
wheelchair and was walking around to show us how much this surgery had done
to him.
Sonia N


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Blatz <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 3. november 1998 00:17
Subject: Electrical Brain Stimulation

>Dear All,
>Periodically, someone has a question about "electrical brain stimulation"
>for PD and other movement disorders.  Here is a simplified picture of the
>current state of the surgery:
>There are currently three types of "electrical brain stimulation for
>movement disorders".  The only current commercial source of the implanted
>device, which is essentially a high-powered heart pacemaker, is Medtronic
>Inc., although another company is currently preparing to enter the market.
> All three implants may be placed unilaterally (one side of the brain to
>control symptoms on opposite side of body) or bilaterally (both sides of
>brain to control symptoms on both sides of body).  In all cases, the
>electrode is a flexible cable with four metal contacts at the end, which is
>guided into the brain using stereotactic techniques just like for ablative
>(destructive) surgery like pallidotomy and thalamotomy.  Either on the same
>day as the brain implant is performed or a few days later, the stimulator
>(about the size of a "Mint Patty" candy bar is surgically placed below the
>skin in the chest.   Although the goal of the stimulators is to stimulate,
>as opposed to destroy tissue, there is some tissue damage as the electrode
>is guided to the correct location deep inside the brain.  Nobody knows why
>it works.  The most accepted hypothesis is that the stimulating electrode
>over-stimulates nerve cells in the target area, which makes them incapable
>of functioning.  Thus, the results are very similar to destroying the
>cells, except that the stimulator can be turned off, unlike a heat lesion
>made in ablative surgery.  Depending on the amount of use, the batteries
>need changing (minor surgery) every few years.  The three different targets
>1.      Thalamic Implant:  Stimulating electrode is placed into the
> Controls tremor only.  Approved in Europe and USA.
>2.      Pallidal Implant:  Stimulating electrode is placed in the globus
>pallidus.  Controls dyskinesias, slowness, lack of movement, tremor.
> Effects very similar to pallidotomy.  Approved in Europe, not in USA.
> Clinical trials ongoing in USA.
>3.      STN Implant:    Stimulating electrode is placed in the subthalamic
>(this is distinct from the thalamus).  Controls dyskinesias, slowness, lack
>of movement, tremor.  Effects similar to pallidotomy.  Approved in Europe,
>not in the USA.  Clinical trials ongoing in USA.
>There is currently debate as to whether the STN or the globus pallidus is
>the best spot to stimulate for major PD symptoms.  My guess is that all
>forms of stimulation will be approved in Europe and USA within one year.
>Hope this helps,