

Hi, again

Thanks for all your words of encouragement, ideas so far and prayers.

I will be talking to our Family Doctor tonite ( she just got back from
holidays yesterday). I will ask her if she has been in contact with our
neurologist and if not I will phone him. Susan Davis did mention bladder
infection and I am going to check that with my Doctor my mom did mention
how many times she had been getting up to go to the bathroom at night

 To Sharon Starrs question: I don't know if my mother's neuro is a Movement
Disorder Specialist or not. To be honest I had never heard of such a thing
but I will ask!!.

Unfortunately, I just developed a *delightful* cold, sore throat and cough
am now afraid to go into the hospital to see my mother in case I pass it on
to her. I am in a wheelchair and now I am concerned for both our health.
The timing for this cold just sucks ( excuse my language ). I have been
going into the hospital every day for the last three days and I still have
seen no improvement and have been wondering if she has gone down a little.
Now I am also concerned too that it will give my mother more stress if she
worries about me....

Why does everything happen at once?

Take care

Bye for now


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