

Dear Susan,

I hope you received my earlier e-note and found it helpful.

I empathize with your distress. Earlier this year, my Mom was in the
hospital for 6 weeks, and I was there day & night just about the entire
time, with only a few short respites -- but as hard as it was, I was glad to
be able to do it. Several days after she was admitted, I finally came home
about 4-4:30 (or so) in the morning, exhausted, and went to bed -- but at
about 7-7:30am, Mom's aide (who had also been at the hospital earlier) came
to the house and, entering, accidentally set off the burglar alarm. It woke
me in a flash and scared me out of my half-asleep wits; I raced for the
staircase, ran down the first half, tripped, and flew like a tumbling rocket
down the second half, crashing into furniture at the bottom. I was badly
battered, and broke at least one toe, possibly also a second. I was
definitely in pain (and lucky that I was not injured worse).

Well, fortunately, unlike your situation, my condition was not contagious,
an important difference. But I too had to decide whether Mom (and a proper
overseeing of her care)would need me at the hospital, or whether it would be
stressful for her to know how badly injured I was. I finally decided that,
painful as walking was, I had to go the hospital to be with her -- and I
did. I hobbled in, using her own cane, but -- much like the injured British
soldier in those World War II films -- I tried to make light of my condition
and to keep a cheerful, positive outlook. I think I succeeded and that it
helped her.

But again, if you have a contagious bug, that's another story. And, much as
many people told me so many times during those long times at the hospital --
especially as I was getting only snatches of sleep once in awhile -- you
have to take care of yourself -- and you have to do that for both yoursaelf
AND your mother; you must be strong for yourself and for her.

So, while you're getting better, can you perhaps call upon other relatives,
or even good neighbors & friends, to "stand in" for you, as visitors to your
Mom and as representative overseers of her care, while you get better?
Certainly you can still stay in touch  with them, with the doctors, with the
hospital, maybe even also with your Mom (if she's up to it), via the phone
for the interim. Or even ask the nurses to 'look in on her" as often as
possible, and for them to try to chat with her often, in a friendly manner,
so that at least she'll know that she's not being left "alone"

Also -- if you can afford it--  you might also consider hiring a Visiting
Nurse or a Health Aide, to be with your Mom. But be aware that a Visiting
Nurse might cost about $24/hour, and a Health Aide might cost about
$12-$14/hour (from an agency); and also keep in mind that a Health Aide is
typically NOT equipped to make important medical decisions or to take
medical actions that an official nurse can do.

in any case, i'm pleased that you're calling your Mom's doctor to discuss
the suggestions that you've received. Hopefully that will start generating
something good.

As to your cough & cold etcetera, I can suggest to you that what I have
personally researched and found to be very helpful for such things is a
regimen including such things as (1) echinacea (capsule form or as a tea),
(2) goldenseal (capsule form), (3) 2000-3000 mg/day of Esther C With
Bioflavinoids (if a too-high amount gives you diarrhea or flushed skin
simply decrease the dosage to a comfortable level), (4) a good high-potency
mulivitamin/mineral supplement (but keep in mind, in choosing one, how much
Esther C you're also taking), (5) a zinc supplement (such as zinc
picolinate, which is supposed to be very absorbable). You might want to ask
a pharmacist, or a nutritionist, for guidance, or check Balch's book
NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS. ... And of coursem keep warm, drink lots of fluids,
and try to get some rest when you can. This should help you feel better
pretty soon.

Good luck!

-- SJS
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Date:    Tue, 3 Nov 1998 10:13:26 -0800
From:    Susan Tomlin <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Hi

Hi, again

Thanks for all your words of encouragement, ideas so far and prayers.

I will be talking to our Family Doctor tonite ( she just got back from
holidays yesterday). I will ask her if she has been in contact with our
neurologist and if not I will phone him. Susan Davis did mention bladder
infection and I am going to check that with my Doctor my mom did mention
how many times she had been getting up to go to the bathroom at night

To Sharon Starrs question: I don't know if my mother's neuro is a Movement
Disorder Specialist or not. To be honest I had never heard of such a thing
but I will ask!!.

Unfortunately, I just developed a *delightful* cold, sore throat and cough
am now afraid to go into the hospital to see my mother in case I pass it on
to her. I am in a wheelchair and now I am concerned for both our health.
The timing for this cold just sucks ( excuse my language ). I have been
going into the hospital every day for the last three days and I still have
seen no improvement and have been wondering if she has gone down a little.
Now I am also concerned too that it will give my mother more stress if she
worries about me....

Why does everything happen at once?

Take care

Bye for now


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