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Is anyone familiar with Movement Disorder Specialists in Vancouver and also
support groups?  If so, would you please post to the list asap.  A new member
of our list needs help.  Her 66-year-old mom is the one with PD, and is in the
hospital (in case you missed her earlier post).

<<Susan S. has written in part:

I am located near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. My mom's neurologist

is Dr. Tessler. I have never met him and he is also in Vancouver.

We do have some friends who are helping. I have very little family and they

are too far away to help physically, just emotionally.

A friend of a friend of my mother is a nurse and she just came by to take

in a new pair of  slippers and blouse to the hospital for me as I don't

want mom to catch my cold and as I am very fatigued already.

Unfortunately, I just developed a *delightful* cold, sore throat and cough

am now afraid to go into the hospital to see my mother in case I pass it on

to her. I am in a wheelchair and now I am concerned for both our health.

Thanks for any information.

Take care

Bye for now


To Email me:  [log in to unmask]

To see me:

[tells about her long battle with Kugdberg Welander, the rare disease that has
you in a wheel chair]