

I'm confidant that the APDA groups you have contacted will come through for
you.  How lucky that your cat Winnie is with you.  When we had our cat, he
certainly put out alot of heat when curled up in my lap.  Hobbes was a
large, black and white cat who now lives with his country cousins.  Keep
the list posted to what happens re:caregiver search.

I was introduced to Sen. Kit Bond(R-MO) when he was at a Republican Rally
Sun. Nov. lst.  He has been reelected to serve 6 more years.  He should
continue to be an ally for the pd community.  His grandmother had
Parkinson's and his family donated money for research that led to the
discovery of levodopa. Since I live in MO, Sen. Bond is the man I'll
continue to ask to monitor NIH research for pd.  Now that we've met
face-to-face, perhaps when I call/write he'll remember a face to go with my

Jeanette Fuhr 48/dx Nov. 97