

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]>
To: Parkinson's Information Exchange <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, November 05, 1998 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: Re: One more thing

>Ohhh darn!  Sorry to disappoint ya, Jeanette, m'dear, but I'm the
>antithesis of that "tall, leggy, and tan" stereotypical "California
>Every morning when I get up, I run into the bathroom to double-check
>in the mirror to see if I'm still 5' 4 inches tall and as pale as
>Casper-the-ghost, and sure 'nuf..... ain't nuttin changed (except I
>gotta day older!) <grin>
>Errrrrr... I DO have very nice long legs, tho, thank-you-Veda-much!
><faking humble blush>
>Barb Mallut (California Girl by birth, but not by looks)
>[log in to unmask]
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Leo Fuhr <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
><[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Thursday, November 05, 1998 8:00 AM
>Subject: Re: One more thing
>>Joan Snyder said in part:
>>PD just doesn't fit in with the mental
>>> picture I have of myself and every so often I need a reality
>>> make sure that I'm firmly planted in the here & now! It's kinda
>>> being 47-I'm still supposed to be 27! I still think, talk and act
>>> I'm 27 but unfortunately, a long hard look in the mirror,
>>> me crashing down to reality. How can we ever get comfortable with
>>> aging stuff & then with PD & then with all the other stuff? Maybe
>>> someday I'll grow up and not have these weird delusions about my
>age, my
>>> looks & my condition...maybe not!!
>>I know what Joan means about looking in the mirror and seeing a
>person who
>>looks like my mom probably looked 33 years ago when she was 47 and
>>15.  How did I get to be the middle aged  mother person in the
>mirror and
>>my babies grow to be 22 and nearly 17??  I guess time does fly when
>you are
>>having fun....or even if you aren't.  I can't believe that as of
>>11/3/98 I have been diagnosed with Parkinson's for an entire year.
>>has that year gone? I guess it is natural that we as human beings
>often see
>>ourselves in our "mind's eye" as young, ready to take on the world,
>>all of life ahead.
>>It is best to be positive and think great things about what is
>possible for
>>us to do.  How we actually look in the mirror isn't as important as
>how we
>>feel about what we can do with today
>>Can I do most of the things on my to do list?  Will my visit with
>>parents be enjoyable?  Will this change in meds be better?  Will
>>"used" car my husb. just bought for me be as good as the last new
>car we
>>purchased? Will a cure/cause for pd be discovered in (99)?   I will
>>each ? with a YES, knowing that is what I hope to happen, realizing
>>may not ACTUALLY be the outcome.
>>We are entirely too obsessed with physical appearance in this
>>age.  That's what is nice about e-mail.  I can imagine that Barb of
>>is tall, leggy, tanned----or Jerry of TX wears jeans, plaid shirt
>and a ten
>>gallon hat, BarbKKFI of KS is a good witch, Janet of Canada may
>>lumberjack shirt and dungerees like Paul Bunyon, Ken of FLA must
>look like
>>Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise.  Who needs a mirror if our perceived
>>gives us strength to get through the next 24?  If reincarnated, I'd
>like to
>>try a month as Julia Roberts or any tall, slim, leggy female or as
>>Garfield, the cat.  Just to see if it would change my life.
>>Keep on thinking you are 27 and can do anything, Joan.
>>Jeanette Fuhr 48/dx. Nov 97