

Hi Gina,

You wrote:
>> Dear Janet, Ruth, et al.  I have the odor of Vinegar.  Very strong and
>> definitely Vinegar, so I shower more, use after bath powders, and
>> But the vinegar always comes back.

AND   >Sun, 1 Nov 1998 05:43:46 EST  Gina Cass <[log in to unmask]>>

> It is coming through the pores.  It is especially worse when I excerise
and sweat.
>I have asked why but no answer as to why.  Sometimes I will get a flower
>very strong flower, like entire bouquet. So, I travel from a wilted from a
wilted lettuce
> salad to the flowers on the table.

Sometimes diabetics smell after "aceton" (donot know if this is also the
english word for it).
Do not know if this comes from the diabetics or from the meds against it.
It's definitely a strong penetrating smell.
TOO much showering can put the pores more open, and makes you sweat even

And of course you have a chance the lazy sweat is coming out finally!!!
(for those of you that didn't notice..............I'm just kidding).

Keep on treadmilling,    Hans.