

Some people still think it is snake oil, an MD friend of mine went to
China and after observing said it did not work. However it does work. I
have used in, in desperation, to quit smoking and for muscle spasm and
it worked both times. Smoking was the more difficult. My friends, many
of whom are MDs,  insisted that it was a placebo effect. In answer, my
daughter has two horses and the vet frequently uses acupuncture for
their muscle spasm. I don't believe that horses have placebo effects.

When acupuncture was first introduced in the states (US) a group of
doctors I know went to China to learn, not visit and came back convinced
that it has it uses. Don't laugh at it. It won't cure PD, but I wonder
if it would help the associated muscle spasms. If any of you have tried
it, please let me know. I do not have PD, but I do have a very nice, but
stubborn , husband who does.  bye Nita