

Marty,  The best relief of stiff neck I've had was applying heat....doing
neck limbering/strengthening exercisees....then applying cool.  The
exercises are from a booklet given out by my lst neuro whom I'd seen
originally for migraines and who had noticed my lack of neck mobility.  You
might check w/your neuro or md for recommended exercises and do them and
use a  good neck support pillow(the grooved type from Walmart,,KMart type
of store) that cradles your neck as you sleep.

Massage, hot tub or warm shower gives sore neck muscle relief.  A pain in
the neck is not something to be ignored.  Hope you can find source of your
"pain in the neck" and eliminate it.

Jeanette Fuhr 48/dx Nov 97
From: Marty Rose <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Stiff Neck
Date: Sunday, November 01, 1998 9:20 AM

I  have developed in the past month or so the worst stiff neck I have ever
had.  It has come on gradually,  but is definitely something I cannot deal
with much longer.  I get shooting pains up the back of my head  when I turn
my head a certain way and trying to lie down in bed is very pauinful.

Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do?
Please - any suggestions are welcome!!!

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