

Dear Janet: Thank you so much for retrieving & printing the article from
the FDA Journal-it would have surely gone unnoticed in the mad rush that
is my mornings around here! I must say that I read in every word like
manna from Heaven. It was
well-written, easy to understand & balanced between the daily struggle
with the disease & the hope just over the rainbow! Talk about a mood
Another inspiration must be Susan! Your story is heart-wretching & very
courageous. I had my mom & dad move in with me after my first paladitomy
(when I thought I was KING KONG!). My dad had Alzheimer's & the toll
that disease has exacted from my mom, my family, my husband & me was a
heavy price to pay-but one gladly done. I don't know why some of us/all
of us have such crosses to carry but then I can't explain why all the
wonderful stuff happens to us either. Without sounding like a broken
record: I believe that what we are given is life & if I can get through
it with grace, courage & without corruption Then my life will have value
& meaning. I'll relinquish my soapbox for now. Thanks for two articles
that have filled my heart with hope!

Joan Snyder  (47/10/8) <[log in to unmask]>   Peoria,IL
"Do or do not. There is no try."  Yoda