

Hello Again,

A few weeks ago I spoke of my father who (according to his neurologist)
does not suffer from full-blown Parkinson's Disease,
but from a Parkinsonism symptom. He has been stutter-stepping,
lurching forward, slightly bent at the trunk as if running
after his centre of gravity. His mobility is thus very hampered.

Anyway, the list was very helpful in its advice:
a) see a movement disorder specialist - he has an appointment booked
   here in Ottawa, Canada this week
b) physical therapy is very important - he's back on his exercise bike
   and does some other daily exercises

The best thing for my Dad was that he realized that somebody else cared
about his well-being. I thing this was the main reason he got out of the
house again. He went to McDonald's for breakfast (he was a regular and
hadn't been there for 2 weeks) and got an ovation from the folks who
worked there. This made his day!

Thanks again.

Bob Johnson