

Hi, everyone

Am going to talk to my family doctor tonite and get a referral for mom to
see either Dr. Calne or Dr. Stoessl at UBC. I spoke with the receptionist
and she said that once my mom was stable and out of the hospital and into
the Discharge Planning Unit she would then be able to been seen. Getting
her there will be the next trick...

I have also talked briefly to Doreen ( Parkinson's Support Group ) and the
next meeting is Monday so I plan to attend and she will get some
information pamphlets out to me...

I spoke to my mother briefly by phone with the nurses help and it sounds
like from what mom said was that they had taken her off her Parkinson's
meds! And at least one of her Rheumatoid drugs, this I want to clarify with
our family Doctor!!! she said her tremor is worse and she is very
uncomfortable and felt they didn't know what they were doing....

I really want mom to be seen by a competant
neurologist, NOW!!! As I feel our Doctor, is not sure what the problem is;
so how is she able to treat the problem/s!!!

Thanks for all your help and ideas so far, they have been really

BTW my cold is worse, just what I need.

Take care

Bye for now


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