

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12/9.5         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses       deg. F

On Thu, 5 Nov 1998 16:12:59 EST Gerry & Brig Haines <[log in to unmask]>
 I know it's easy to say that when you are not the one hanging by your
thumbs, but you haven't given up yet, so don't start now.  We have just
begun to fight.
( SNIP )

  It's the beginning of a new era.

>Gerry and Brig

Hi Gerry and Brig,

   Your words today are almost  like a magic elixir ! You really have
caused me to have a complete change of attitude...

   I am really excited by both the news that Judith Richards posted--that
at Harvard University, a genetic mutation has been discovered that causes
too much alpha-synuclein to be present--in  young onset
Parkinson's....which may lead toward explaining what causes Young Onset
Parkinson's. As much as a 20-year delay in the appearance of Parkinson's
symptoms is envisioned;

  and now, in this morning's newspaper,(  I just read the great news)
scientists at Johns Hopkins University report that stem cells can be
cultured, and hopefully, transplanted,  to "secrete dopamine for the
treatment and control of Parkinson's disease."

As you said, we are "at the beginning of a new era."

With the first year of the Udall Era in place, we are reaching a turning
point in our lives.

Fund the research......find the cure....the research race has begun !
