


Just got back from seeing mom at the hospital. She's gone down considerably
just since the last time I had seen her. I almost didn't recognise her. She
looks like she has lost weight. She looks so gaunt, so pale, her expression
on her face, her eyes looked so different. Her voice is so soft and her
speech has changed. When she spoke she could only manage three words then
there would be a long pause then three more words, but she'd never finish
what she was going to say. She can't remember what she is trying to say.
She reminds me of those pictures of those people in those concentration
camps during the second world war.

I fed her some lunch. She ate the soup, the broccoli, lime sherbert, and a
carrot cake cupcake that I made for her. When I feed her she looks at me
with an expression of a small baby like curiosity.

I FINALLY got a hold of Dr. Tessler ( mom's neurologist and he just phoned
). So I told him about how mom had gone down, everything that had happened
ie, freezing, feet sticking to the floor, slowing down more, he
phoned Dr.Swift and he wants mom to go back on sinemet and reduce the
artane and maybe try some other drugs. He said artane can cause confusion.
He said there are no other neurologists (in this area? ) and he can tell by
what I have told him what the problem is and all they can do is try the
different meds and wait. He said it was a little unusual for someone to go
down that fast, but it could happen ( he did mention infections ). I could
phone him if there were any problems, but he couldn't come to see my mom.
STUPID hospital priviliges ( sp ) again!!

I will be going in to see mom tomorrow and help her eat something. When I
came in today mom had given up opening some sherbert from her lunch tray
and was struggling to put it back on the lunch tray. No one was helping her
to eat at all!!!!!!

The homemaker is supposed to arrive soon and i am going to send her out to
see if she can get me a couple of Rubbermade juice box holders with built
in straw. The hospital doesn't have much orange juice so I though I could
make some here and take her in some to drink and then take the container
home to wash it.

Take care

Bye for now


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