

List--You may or may not recall that last week I asked about Demerol,
since my husband, Joe, was going to have surgery last Friday. He had
laparascopic surgery for a double hernia on Friday morning, and the
plan was for him to be discharged that same day. However, I was told
that the surgeon, in making the incisions,  inadvertently nicked
Joe's bladder several times, causing profuse bleeding. So they
brought him back to the O.R. for a second procedure, also under
general anasthesia. (A urologist performed this operation.) Yesterday
(Saturday), he was too weak to sit, was still bleeding, and his pulse
was about 140. Last nite he received 2 pints of blood. This morning
(Sunday), I spoke with the urologist, who said that the bleeding from
his bladder had diminished significantly, but he did say that the
bladder may not have been the only organ cut into. I'm reeling and
I'm furious. 600,000 hernia operations are performed in the U.S.
annually, and we pick a butcher! Just wanted to vent, but also have
some questions: (1) Two general anasthesias in one day can't be good
for PD, can they? (2) I would like to sneak in some
powdered/granulated Vitamin C and stir it into his liquid diet to aid
in healing. Is Vitamin C a blood thinner? (not what is needed at this

Also, Joe's meds are 5 mg selegeline and 3 mg Mirapex, which he
hasn't taken since Friday. He does not seem any the worse for wear as
far as PD goes.

Would appreciate your feedback. Thanks in advance.

Ann Gibbons  CG Joe 64/1.5