

What kind of adverse reactions are you talking about?  I haven'e heard
anything about that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Warr <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, November 08, 1998 10:05 PM
Subject: Tasmar Works for Me

>I saw my neurologist a week and a half ago. I requested that I try Tasmar
>and he agreed. My total "ON" time during the day was about six hours with
>noticeable dyskinesia during about two of those hours. My meds at that time
>were Sinemet 25/250 1 tab qid, Sinemet CR 50/200 2 tabs qid, and Mirapex
>1-1/2 tab tid.
>I started out the Tasmar with one 100mg tab tid.  I was so dyskinetic I
>could have been on Soul Train. I cut back on my Sinemet CR by 1/2 tab qid.
>Dyskinesia disappeared and total "on" time increased to about 10 hours, but
>there was a sudden change from "on" to "off". So I increased the Tasmar to
>one 200mg tab tid. Dyskinesia came back but daytime "off" periods were
>almost eliminated.
>Today I waited to take my second dose of the day until the first wore off.
>Following is a record of events:
>0830 Took 1st dose
>0900 Began coming "on".
>0930 completely "on".
>     NOTE: this was probably the Sinemet 25/250.
>1130 Dyskinesia begins.
>     NOTE: probably the Sinemet CR 50/200.
>1530 Dyskinesia disappears.
>1630 Wearing off begins (relatively slow> I can still type this message).
>I am going to reduce the Sinemet CR to 1 tab qid and then adjust the timing
>of the doses. If I can get it right, it looks like my "off" times will be
>significantly reduced by the use of Tasmar. (And yes, I am aware of the
>studies that indicate Tasmar may have an adverse effect farther down the
>Sinemet, Mirapex & Tasmar