

THe following is a text of a note I send tov my two doctors in
Port Alberni, their cheerful smiles and sympathetic smiles and
angry looks will stay with me always. This tribute applies
to all the staff who continue toi treat me so well when I
act so badly. Hope you like it:

People Like Me

People like me
the incurably ill
the scourge of the medical profession
our constant visits, thickening files
thinning frames, fading hopes
must be frustrating for you
all your tools, learning
leave you unprepared for those
you cannot reach
so I understand when some
(thankfully, not all)
hide behind a stoic face or their words
quoting statistics
they ask why are you here today
avoiding my gaze
as if I were a despair leper
pens hovering, hopefull of a quick
painless prescription
(the write and flight syndrome)
I am very much aware the clock is ticking
you ask how I am
not, what do I want
setting aside my chart, time restrictions
you listen not just to my words
but to my heart
when you ask how you can help
you often already have
by showing you care
I may forget to thank you but I will not forget you
when we stand in front of God
people like me will thank Him
for people like you

Bill Harrington