

I have used CoQ10 for over 10 years.  A doctor recommended it and after
reading a book on it, I felt it would be good for many reasons.  It is
supposed to be a potent antioxidant and I take that along with 1000iu of
vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid and grape seed extract in an attempt to zap
those free radicals.  Who knows if they really do anything, but I don't
have any deleterious side effects from them that I'm aware of.

I briefly tried NADH and it didn't seem to do anything, but it was a
long time ago and to be honest, I've forgotten.


Paolini Massimo wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm a new member of list, who lives in Italy. I beg your pardon for my bad
> English!
> My mother was PD diagnosed 5 years ago. Her illness is rather bad from about
> a year, because she has very painful dystonias at right foot. In February
> she had hallucinations and confusion; in June hallucinations again.
> Now she on:
>  - Madopar (L-dopa more used in Italy) 100 mg (4 times in a day)
>  - Permax (0,25mg  twice, 0,50mg once at bedtime)
>  - Tasmar 100 mg (3 times)
>  - Clozaril 12,5 mg at bedtime.
> I've red on some web sites (Dr. Fazzini, Life Extension Foundation), that
> Coenzyme Q10 could be helpful.
> I want to try it, because i think it rather safe.
> Is there anybody using it?
> A second question.
> Is there anybody using NADH? Is it effective?
> In Europe, outside Austria, this drug is unknown!
> Thanks!
> Ciao!
> Massimo Paolini
> [log in to unmask]
> Roma, Italia