

Several years ago probably 6, I was one of many Canadians with
PD waitiing for the long-awaited "Royal Commissin Report on
New Repoductive Technology" This thing came in late. way over
nbudget, but still as I read the two small sections of the
huge bloody thing that dealtwith foetal cell transplants.
Hooray, I said they are actually not only allowing it but
reccommending it.
Then I waited and waited. called politicians, faxed nasty messsages
to ministers went to the press. Nothing. THey can't lift the ban on
funding enbyro research until all of the hundreds of recommendations
are zapproved. IT got bogged dowm where maybe in our useless, toothless
senate who are gumming it to death between naps when they're actually
THat report was clear and concise, everyone had ample input. THe
suggested guidlines were clear and fair. Yet 6, 7 ...10 years I'll
sit here waiting (dying) while these buffoons rotate onrtheir thumbs.
Don't let this happen wih this new discovery. Don't let the fanatic
church anti abortion or any othergroup regulate and legislate this
into another bureaucratic nightmare.
Hey, if you need volunteers for testing you know qwhere to find me.
Thanks, I needed that!