

Gerry and Brig, I am in South Florida, so I would not be able to help in
person, but I am trying to figure out something.  It seems like we always hear
about people who are bored and looking for something to do.  There must be
someone who could spend a few hours, or a night, or maybe an afternoon, to
help out Ivan.  I do not belong to any clubs, but maybe an organization like
the Masons, or the Elks, or the Boyscouts, have some volunteer people
available?  Nothing is more satisfying than helping someone in need,
especially if it is someone who always does what he can to help others.  PS No
offense to any organizations I did not mention, I just could not think of any
more at the moment, but I am sure someone will!  Hang in there Ivan, we're
working on it!