

Gawd, Charlie, it's simply GREAT having ya back and posting on the
List!  (praying this message traverses Cyberspace and isn't stopped
by the Mail Daemon <whatever that is> on it's voyage to the Listserv
in Toronto)

BIG virtual hug at ya....

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles T. Meyer, M.D. <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, November 08, 1998 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: stem cell research

>I have no trouble in accepting that the 2 of us may have different
>values.  What I object to is those persons who would by whatever
>necessary inflict those values on the society as a whole even when a
>portion of that society disagrees with them.  I respect those who
>different views of when life begins and ends than me but when they
try to
>impose those values on others your damned right I am hurt.  And when
>block access of researchers to something that has real possibilities
>providing a cure to this damned disease like they did with fetal
>during the Regan-Bush administrations or try to block the Udall bill
>because it allows fetal research,  where is their respect  for my
>Regarding my tactics- they are just words.  If you wish to disagree
I will
>defend your right to do that-  we come from different philosophical
>places. But when people interfere with research because of feeling
>have the ONE TRUTH rather than trying to use logic and data to
convince me
>that I am wrong then they are inflicting their values on me.
>I expected to stir up some feeling pro and con.  If you think my
>are unfair then "expose" them.  After a political season of ATTACK
>am sensitive to the assertion that I might be doing what I saw
>(especially from the right but also the left) doing .  Please point
>unfair tactics out to me.
>Bill,  as much as we might disagree we've got one thing in common-
PD and
>the desire to beat it.  If you wish to debate these issues I promise
>keep that in mind and try to "fight fair". Our goals are the same.
>Best Regards,
>"William H. (Bill) Olson" wrote:
>> Dr Meyer and Mr. Carvalho: You must have been hurt pretty badly to
>> respond as you did on this matter.
>> I forgive you for attacking some of the values I hold dearly, but
>> and take a look at your smear tactics, please!!
>>                 Sincerely, Bill Olson D.V.M.; 68, dx 1983, 1980