

Re: Marty Rose and Bruce Warr's posts about using Tasmar.

Today at our support group we heard a pharmacist who works for Athena
Pharmaceuticals and was extremely well-informed about PD and related meds.
(He's NOT a salesman, BTW)  He confirmed what Peter's neuro said re:
Tasmar--that the main side effects are dyskinesia, hallucinations, and
diarrhea.  He suggested it is important to titrate up gradually in the
beginning, and also that Sinemet should be reduced, as with the agonists.
He also gave me a report dated 10-19-98 of European research showing
persons on Tasmar should have "more frequent liver monitoring, following
reports of severe liver malfunction and death". The mfgr.,Roche, has sent a
"Dear Doctor" letter to European doctors advising them of the problems and
of the Tasmar labeling update which emphasizes that "liver function should
be monitored before starting Tasmar treatment, and then more frequently
than before:  at weeks 3,6,9,12,16,20, and 24 after starting treatment. ..A
similar series of liver tests is recommended following a dose increase. .."
I won't copy it all--but wanted to pass the info along.  Check with your
neuro to see if s/he has received the warning!