

3 things happening that may be of some personal interest to some of you:

1.  Back pain - chronic, almost constant, which seems to have been caused by
my poor PD related posture - have tried everything except 1.)hypnosis - and
that's REALLY admitting defeat! - and 2.)the electronic implantable "pain
zapper." I heard about on the ABC show, Dateline.  I had a hard time
tracking down the doctor who did it. I tried & finally Nita Andres, whose
husband has back pain, was
successful in ferreting out his name and location [CA, of course.  I'm in NJ
& Nita's in Texas]],
but it sounds like he now returns calls only to fellow doctors. I have been
going to a Physiatrist *  who told me yesterday that a neurosurgeon here
in NJ does them - 2 kinds: a Spinal Cord Stimulator for Pain and a Boclofen
Intrathercal Pump.
Nita, if you, or anyone else, wants his name & #, let me know. I have an
appt. on 11/17.

2     Blasporspasm's in both eye lids.  We are bypassing the
neuro-opthamologist, who can't see me until Jan 5, and the Physiatrist is
going to start the multi-part process of botox injections next week. Very
interesting waiver I had to sign....
    I totaled my van 2 weeks ago and I now attribute it to this
condition.  Sun glare got me and I could not open my eyes again, plowed into
the back of a Jeep Grand Cherokee.  No one was the hurt including their
baby, who was properly strapped in.  Fortunately, the guy saw me coming &
released his brakes. It was a four lane, undivided highway and he was making
a left turn.  I feel completely ashamed since I had a sense I had an eyelid
problem, & could have easily killed some people.  I'm not driving now until
I get it straightened out - of course, that's easy to do when one has no
car. I may go for a state test before I drive again.

3.  Get ready for this one.  I and some other Listmembers have had some
swelling and
discoloration of the legs, shins.  In Gina's case it turned out to be
diabetes.  Mine is called
lipodermatosasclerosis-expeealadotious. [actually just the 1st part]
Blood is pooling in the legs for some reason.  So no, after first getting
a"Doppler " [???} test to see if there are any blood clots I get to wear
some kind of boots with pumps in them to pump the blood somehow out of my
lower legs. Has anyone ever heard of this condition or these boots & this

Does anyone know anything that could enlighten me or anyone else here on any
of this?

I'll bet ya Jesse "The Body" Ventura never had these kinds off problems.

*Physiatrists - sometimes referred to as physical therapists with MD
degrees.  I don't know if he is typical of his specialty, but this doctor is
terrific - a real diagnostician.. Spent 45 min.
.with me on 2 occasions. if anyone would like his name and number in
Morristown, NJ. let me know