

Hi Dennis,
     You are right about the rocking. Even If I where to practice rocking, I
would still fall. My husband thinks it is funny to hold me and do a little
rock and then my legs go out from under me. He will hold me up,but it makes
me upset when he does this. I  told him how it makes me fell he does not do
it any more. If I am left alone I come out of a freeze a lot better. If
someone touches me or try to help it just makes it worse. Janice
-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Greene <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: Freezing help

>>to doubting dennis
>>These do work but need care---
>>copied from my exercise book
>>C) These to be practiced before  needed
>Anne - I don't really doubt - and I'm glad to see your warning to practice
>before the need arises. My main concern is that someone with no experience
>of rocking, rocking someone with no experience of being rocked , is asking
>for trouble.
>Rock on:)