

Just this minute got off the phone with Ivan, and he was on top of the world.
All kinds of offers have been coming in since this afternoon.  He feels good,
so good,(that might be part of a song) and cannot believe all the calls.  I
can't remember all the people, but one old friend he ran into on the street, a
student who lives in the western part of the state but studies in Portland, a
cg he had before, and more.  Even the rep. he knows from his district called.
We thanked God, and both of us realized how humbling this disease is.  Anyway
to make a long story short, he would have posted(I hope that's computer lingo)
but he said he has no more space on his disc..I'm the last person to help
there, so, if anyone can help, be my guest.
His phone number is 207-797-8488.  I think all the days and nights are fairly
well filled.  He can correct me if I'm wrong.
Thank you everyone for all your help.....