

Following is an editorial that appeared in todays New York Times:

The breakthrough in growing human stem cells in the laboratorywith private
funding is not only a stunning achievement, it is a rebuke to Congress for
banning Federal funding of this exciting research.Scientists are now  poised
to explore new therapies for dreadful diseases. Yet thanks to a Copngreesional
ban on Federal funding for most research on embryos, the government may find
it hard to accelerate a promising field or moniter its ethical issues.

The research involves cultivating "human embryonic stem cells" before they
have begun to differentiate into the specialized  cells that form the
individual parts of the body. It opens the way to grow heart cells for cardiac
patients, brain tissue for Parkinson"s patients, or bone marrow to treat
leukemia and other cancers.

Such treatments are years away.Scientists must first learn how to nudge the
stem cells to develop into specific tissues and organs, and they must keep the
transplanted cells from being rejected by a patients immune system Thus the
first use of these cells will almost certainly be for research.

Whether the Government can play a significant role is uncertain. At least one
of the studies just reported would almost certainly have been barred from the
Federal funding by the Congressional ban on embryo research. This is a sad
state given that the gains are potentilly enormous and the ethical problems
appear minimal.One research team used cells from fertilized eggs that would
otherwise would have been discarded after treating infertile couples, and the
other used cells from already aborted fetuses.They literally created a major
advance from cells that would other wise  have been wasted.

Lorraine Jeffe