

Hello everyone,

Although very much off topic, I would like to thank Abhas Kumar Jha for
posting the Amnesty International Pledge supporting the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. This year is the fiftieth anniversary of this
important document.

It is particularly appropriate, I feel, that the message has been posted
today on November 11th -- Remembrance Day. Here in Nova Scotia, the whole
province virtually shuts down in remembrance. Most stores, businesses and
all government offices are traditionally closed.

I have been a member of Amnesty for over 15 years and would ask fellow
listmembers to consider adding their names to the millions who have already
done so.

In peace and remembrance,


PS: In case you deleted the instructions on sending your pledge by email,
here is the information you need:

add your name to the pledge is to send an email to:

                        [log in to unmask]

Put YOUR NAME in the SUBJECT, and cut and paste the following text in

        I support the rights and freedoms in the Universal
        Declaration of Human Rights for all beings, everywhere.

Forward this message to as many people as you can

The declaration of Human rights can be read at:

Peter Kidd
Learning Materials Consulting Services
62 Coronation Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3N 2M6 Canada
Tel/FAX: (902) 443-4262 Email: [log in to unmask]