

Camilla wrote:
> Today at our support group...a pharmacist who works for Athena
Pharmaceuticals and was extremely well-informed about PD and related
meds...a report dated 10-19-98 of European research showing
persons on Tasmar should have "more frequent liver monitoring, following
reports of severe liver malfunction and death"<

I've had a few very busy days and haven't been able to do much with my
email. Hopefully, I can start catching up today.
Recently I was asked about a death related to Tasmar, so I wrote to Joe
Bruman because he keeps us updated with all the great "current science
reviews," and this is his reply -

Tasmar death                                         7 Nov 98

Judith, what you're looking for is in the "product information"
leaflet put out by Roche, makers of Tasmar. Evidently the death
occurred before they were aware of a rare (1%-2%) but deadly
risk of liver damage. The account is in the "Precautions"
section, and now prescribing neuros are required to order
enzyme monitoring for the first 3 months, every 6 weeks for the
next 3 months, to ensure that the patient isn't one of the
unlucky few. Here's the quote:

"One patient, a 55-year-old woman who had received treatment
with tolcapone 200mg tid for 53 days, had the onset of diarrhea
followed 4 days later by yellowing of the skin and eyes. She
died 7 days after the onset of the diarrhea. No liver function
tests were performed after the onset of symptoms."

Thanks, Joe. :)
Judith Richards, London, Ontario, Canada
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