

The disk space I needed was freed up a few moments ago,thanks to advice
from Jed Blue,so I am back in communication-I feel sort of like someone
on the Starship Enterprise. Hello List!

  I could not have imagined how exhausting being without a friend or
caregiver could be.  I am alone at night still from Tues through Sat,
but, the student Gerry mentions sounds good on the phone, and we have
scheduled an interview on Sat. morning Nov. 14 at 10AM. She's interested
in Saturday daytime and "several nights per week."

The old friend whom I mentioned to Gerry, I had called to while he was
crossing from the opposite sidewalk .He was here earlier and will be back
in 3 hours to stay until the morning.

I have talked to two more possibilities on the phone.  One has to be paid
in cash.  The other is doing volunteer work, and her plate is rather
full- but she may have time for me in the later part of the month.

The whole experience is so humbling.  I'll have to go lie down again in a
while, so I don't overdo it, as there is a huge sleep debt to catch up

At least progress is being made.

THe down side is that I am wildly dyskinetic, and have drooping eyelids
and cracked lips.  All this could be explained if I had taken too much
medicine, but I haven't.  Perhaps the stress on me is coming out this
wayat this moment.  Earlier this evening, I had no symptoms of any great

Representative Norbert,  my own state rep, called TWICE tonight to check
on me.  Thanks to those calls, I realize that he really is concerned, and
will help with legislation at the appropriate time.

My caregiver this afternoon, Natalie, was able to call my dad (left
message on answering machine)to ask him for a visit from at least one
person in my family.  As I have been rejected when I try, her pleasant,
honest call for at least one of my family to call back, and to take an
active interest in me might produce some results in the area of family
support not yet present.

In general, things all around are getting better, although admittedly
still difficult.

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12/9.5         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses   38    deg. F

On Tue, 10 Nov 1998 18:45:35 EST Gerry & Brig Haines <[log in to unmask]>
>Just this minute got off the phone with Ivan, and he was on top of the
>All kinds of offers have been coming in since this afternoon.  He
>feels good,
>so good,(that might be part of a song) and cannot believe all the
>calls.  I
>can't remember all the people, but one old friend he ran into on the
>street, a
>student who lives in the western part of the state but studies in
>Portland, a
>cg he had before, and more.  Even the rep. he knows from his district
>We thanked God, and both of us realized how humbling this disease is.
>to make a long story short, he would have posted(I hope that's
>computer lingo)
>but he said he has no more space on his disc..I'm the last person to
>there, so, if anyone can help, be my guest.
>His phone number is 207-797-8488.  I think all the days and nights are
>well filled.  He can correct me if I'm wrong.
>Thank you everyone for all your help.....