

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12/9.5         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses   49  deg. F
Hello List,

This morning, around 8 AM, Hilary  Blue called- Linda Herman of Buffalo
responded quickly (WOW!) I finally found my "Recycle" bin, and just a few
moments ago, freed DISK SPACE to be back with all of you.

Things are slowly improving, but there are bad spells without anyone
here. A friend named Jeff is covering nights for now, and I am
interviewing a woman named Deirdre,  early on Saturday to cover nights as

After Saturday, I  hope to be back to MUCH better coverage, and no nights

I called Dr. Peter Lansbury's office at Harvard today to find out what
the young onset P.D. gene research is all about.  Am awaiting a reply.

THANK YOU for your help, everybody.

IVAN  :-)  :-)  :-)