

Dear List-family....

I've been having a devil of a time getting this new (for me) email
program, Outlook Express, to stabilize over the past month or so.
That, coupled with a mouse-driver problem, is causing me to end up
with periodic lost email - lost before I have read it, that is.

Needless to say, this is very frustrating to me!   Generally losing
an original piece of Listmail, while annoying, can usually be skirted
around because often the messages are repeated in someone else's
post, but PERSONAL-email, sent directly to me, can NOT

Soooo.... IF ya send me a personal email and I don't respond (usually
within 24 hours), please don't think I'm ignoring ya - just drop me a
copy of that email.   I WILL reply (errrr... usually)

Barb Mallut (lost somewhere in Cyberspace)
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