

Just had another phone call from Ivan. His world has turned upside down again
- the neighbor he thought would be his savior, and take the overnight shift,
has decided, upon reflection, that this is not for her!  So Ivan is left with
mo coverage during the nights.
With  his wry sense of humour, he suggested that instead of a brief story
about him on Dateline or whatever, we should go for a soap opera.EVerything
keeps on changing , nothing can be depended on, and the sands of time trickle
on relentlessly, and, in the meantime,
how can we help Ivan? He really doesn't want to go into a hospital, or a
nursing home - and he shouldn't have to either.
Its at times like these, when I am so frustrated because there is nothing I
can do to correct a situation that stinks, that I really begin to wonder what
its all about. Is there really a master plan?  Does all this mean something?
Cos I'd sure as anything like to know what, and why, and when is it going to
I guess there is no answer. LEt us just hope Ivan finds the right people, and soon.
Hilary Blue