

Dear Listfriends -

Ivan Suzman's recent caregiver crisis brought back memories of similar
situations Mom (age 64 / dx 42) and I have been through, and I can't resist
squandering a little bandwidth on a sermon.


I strongly encourage every PWP to actively research and plan for caregiver
emergencies.  These can happen to anyone with very little warning.  Mom went
from self-sufficient to needing a nighttime companion almost overnight, and from
that point to needing round-the-clock help almost as quickly.

At a minimum, I urge everyone to know the caregiver financing options.  A lot of
people are surprised to learn that Medicare disability and Medicaid don't cover
long-term caregivers (though a sympathetic physician might be able to manipulate
the system to keep you in part-time caregivers for awhile).  Ivan was surprised
to learn that the Medicaid system can take a patient's assets to pay for care.
This means that a temporary emergency institutionalization could leave a person

I'm grossly oversimplifying, and I hope I'm not unnecessarily scaring anyone,
but I DO believe it's important that I say something here.  If Ivan, who seems
to work hard at keeping up on things, was taken unawares by this, there must be
others here who are at the same risk.

**** Stand down from soapbox alert ****

Thanks for listening.  I'll shut up now.  :-X

- Doug