

Bill Olson wrote:
>        I hope that none of my pro-choice friends have that on their
>conscience. but I am so sorry that abortion became an option. If it had
>not been available. we would have managed. So that is why I would like
>to see the day when abortion is extremely rare. and allowed only for
>truly life threatening situations.


Dear Friend-- I appreciate the courage it took for you to share your
daughter's experience on the list, and  also the response from Charlie
Meyer, which is reflective of my own position.
We too have a daughter who became pregnant while still a teenager, and had
an abortion--they were legal then, as they are now.  I accompanied her to
the clinic, and we supported her decision, difficult as it was for all of
us, since there was no way  she could have handled motherhood at the time.
 As a social worker I have counseled woman over the years who chose very
different paths in this difficult situation--some kept and raised their
babies, some chose adoption, and some chose abortion.  I always explored
all the options with them, in the context of their own feelings and
situations, including their religious beliefs.  I never tried to influence
them , but only to explore and then support what was their own best's not something everyone can "manage".
I might add for your information that both our beloved daughters are
adopted, and while I am of course glad that their young mothers chose to
carry them to term, and surrender them , I understand the great stresses
this can present for the birth mother, and why some girls/women simply
can't make that choice.
I too will welcome the day when abortion is extremely rare, but I can't
support making it illegal again, since that would only mean that women are
driven to dangerous alternatives, as used to be the case.
One way to make abortions rare , of course, is to support responsible
family planning.
Well--that's enough of that--as a religious person myself, I certainly
respect your right to your views, but also ask that you respect mine.

        Camilla Flintermann                     <[log in to unmask]>


                        *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
                        *  "Our lives begin to end       *
                        *  the day we become silent  *
                        *  about things that matter..   *
                        *   ...Martin Luther King,Jr.      *
                        *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***