

Don, join the club, you have a wife and a daughter, and a puppy and 1600
friends, more or less, how can you avoid some problems, or trouble?  But we
are all here for you.  I hope you get quick help with the pain, but you did
just fall off a tractor, so that probably has something to do with the pain???
(You know I am not a doctor, but it makes sense, doesn't it?)  Anyway, by
tomorrow you'll probably feel better and be chasing the puppy around the
house, right?  Thanks for sticking up for the president, he needs all the help
he can get lately.  I did vote for him, wish he had stayed out of trouble, but
he is working hard for us, to do good things.  If you think about it, he has
more trouble than most of us right now.  AND, I
think his puppy is mad at him too! LOL
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