

I am quite happy to have any opinion I express debated by anyone who cares
to - On-list if PD related, off-list if not.

I recognise Barbara Paterson's unique position on this list and will not
continue (on-list) any discussion she asks us to discontinue.

I am in no position to set limits on anyone other than myself so I will not
suggest ways in which debate should be limited.  Some time ago (in response
to being taken to task by those whose opinion I respect, for going in too
strongly and too personally) I established criteria for my own
contributions. These include:

*do not get into a debate just because someone says something you disagree

* if involved in a debate,  show respect for the other person and their
point of view by rethinking your own position in the light of their
arguments.  If you are still in disagreement say so and explain why as
clearly as possible,

* discuss ideas, not people.

" look forward to the debates you lose - they are the ones you learn most

* If someone attacks you personally or something they say makes you angry
wait 12 hours before posting your response.


Dennis Greene 49/onset 32 /dx 37

"It is better to be a crystal and be broken,
Than to be a perfect tile upon the housetop."

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