

Dear Ruth-- I just re-read your post, below, and realized that you seem to
be assuming that fetal tissue research to cure PD implies   abortions would
be performed specifically for  that research. I do not believe this would
be the result of any of the proposals I'm aware of, e.g. not the Udall act.
Nor would it be likely that a woman would plan to become pregnant and then
terminate the pregnancy in order to furnish such tissue. The law clearly
forbids that and sets up protections against its happening. Thus I don't
think it would be a choice between the lives of your loved ones ( or my
daughters who are adopted) and the research being done to cure your PD.
I totally agree that it is and should be a personal decision, and you have
every right to your own conscientious choice in this and every matter, as
do those who differ with you.  Thank you for the brave and honest sharing
of your position.

Ruth wrote:
>I consider myself pro life, but it seems to me to be such a personal thing
>that had no business of having become such a political football! I have had
>problems with the issue of fetal tissue research. I can only hope that another
>solution will quickly be found for curing PD.
>I can also thank for those in the past who chose not for abortion but for
>life.  My dear friend and caregiver is adopted and I have nieces, nephews,
>grand nieces and nephews (two of them Korean). They are all blessings to their
>parents, to the family, and to society in general. I would rather live with my
>PD than deny their right to life and happiness!
>This is only my conscience speaking, and many of my friends don't agree with
>me So everyone has their own feelings about it.
>Ruth Clark 67/10

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH
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                    *   We agree to differ...                *
                    *           we resolve to love...        *
                    *           we  unite to serve.          *
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