

I bought one of this fellow's Rollators (a walker on wheels with brakes, a
seat and a removable tray and basket) after first reading about them & him
in the WSJ.  The trials and tribulations of marketing a new product.  It's
great & has made me much safer & more mobile.  I realize most of you on this
List are not as far gone as ] am but someday you might want one of these
things.  He sent me this message on how to get to you - if anyone knows of a
proper forum for advertising such products I am sure he would appreciate
your e-mailing him that info.

 BTW, does anyone know any catalogs or web sites catering to the mobility
disabled.  I would appreciate hearing about those.
B. Bruce Anderson (52, 4)
Schooley's Mtn., NJ
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Thompson <[log in to unmask]>
To: 'Bruce Anderson' <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, October 25, 1998 5:28 PM
Subject: Parkinson's Information List

I trust you are getting good benefit out of the rollator you recently
purchased from us.

In an earlier communication, you mentioned a Parkinson's Information List on
the internet. I am wondering if you could provide me with specific
information on this resource.  Over the years, we have seen many, many
strong reactions from customers with Parkinson's but we have not been able
to reach this group directly.

Perhaps this resource would yield some insight.  If we can find a cost
effective way to show people our products, I give you my assurance we would
put the knowledge to good use so as to benefits all concerned.

In any event, thank you for your consideration. Keep on your feet.

Nick Thompson