

M. Deitz wrote:

> Hi Dr. Fink,
> Did you find any new developments in PD while in China? I am sure everyone on
> the list would be interested in your response.
> Congraulations on your recent marriage.
> Helen Mason  BSN

Not much new in China regarding PD.  Some PWPs were being treated at
the Rehabilitation Center (where the conference was) with
"Traditional Chinese Medicine", this including acupuncture
(electronic and standard), herbs, massage, etc., and what I saw was
that some of this helped with some specific symptoms (such as spasm
and muscle pain) but did not affect the PD one way or another.

Another factor was that the use of Sinemet and other modern drugs for
PD was limited by financial considerations.  The Socialist system in
China (at least regarding health care) is deteriorating and most
people either have to be content with cheaper (and substandard)
treatments, or have to pay for modern treatment out of their own
pockets.  Since there is not a lot of individual wealth in China
(there are some "rich people" but not many), this means that patients
often "do without".

I saw one young PWP who was crippled simply because she and her
family could not afford the cost of Sinemet!




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